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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> gabi_the_lab > Gabi sleeping September 4 2005 p.jpg
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Gabi sleeping September 4 2005 p.jpg

Gabi is an 7 year old yellow lab, my neice's dog. She is totally blind -
the result of inappropriate breeding. Despite being blind, she manages to stay in the thick of things.

Sweet girl..

September 4th 2004
My Pic of the Week

Panasonic DMC-LC1
1/60s f/2.0 at 11.3mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Pic Chick20-Sep-2005 02:48
The beauty of her blindness, is that she will never know she is missing anything. That is what makes animals so unfailingly wonderful. What a GREAT shot Joan!
Guest 18-Sep-2005 02:06
I LOVE this shot. wonderful. especially when reading about her on the forum of photos of the week. great composition, she looks like she's very happy even with her blindness. wonderful!
Sharon Rogers07-Sep-2005 08:15
It looks like she has a good life despite her disability.
Argishti Khachik05-Sep-2005 15:48
love this shot. What a lovely pose. Hug and KISSSS that beauty.