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joanteno | all galleries >> Scenes from Rhode Island >> Pictures from Newport Polo >> Best Polo Shots > UK Scores to Win over USA September 3rd 2004 p.jpg
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UK Scores to Win over USA September 3rd 2004 p.jpg

For my UK Friends, England won over the Newport USA
team in Polo last night. A very high scoring game.
This is a shot of one of the UK players scoring
a goal.

And yes, ,the "anal" side of me did take a icture
today.. September 4 2005

Nikon D70
1/2000s f/6.3 at 200.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 15-Sep-2005 11:57
You got it all - the face expression, the ball, the dof, the human "frame". Excellent! I like the horse's expression too. :-) Voted.
Guest 10-Sep-2005 22:29
Look at the expression on the horse's face!!! Great catch!
steve mcsweeny06-Sep-2005 06:59
Thats a great action shot!WOW.Vote.
Karen Stuebing05-Sep-2005 10:45
Superb action capture. You even caught the ball in the air. Great detail, clarity and color. Just all round excellent.
Guest 05-Sep-2005 06:28
I like the contrast in expression, the horse is a bit goofy and the guy is so intense
Guest 05-Sep-2005 00:18
We almost stopped into Newport yesterday on the way home - would have loved to have seen this, too! Nice grab.
Jackdad04-Sep-2005 20:44
That pony looks like he knows a good joke - either that or he's in carrot heaven.
Guest 04-Sep-2005 19:38
Great capture - his legs look like rubber!
northstar3704-Sep-2005 19:24
Looks like Prince Charles. Hmmmm so England CAN win at something heheh
JW04-Sep-2005 18:36
Wow! Great capture. I keep meaning to take my camera to a Polo match.
beverley harrison04-Sep-2005 15:55
lol! i know what you mean, you just have to do it!! excellent catch, love the look on the horses face!