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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day 2007 >> November 2007 > pbase And then there was one DSC_0106.jpg
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pbase And then there was one DSC_0106.jpg

Down to the last boat in the water...

Nikon D80
1/1000s f/2.8 at 50.0mm iso200 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time20-Nov-2007 07:31:25
ModelNIKON D80
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length50 mm
Exposure Time1/1000 sec
ISO Equivalent200
Exposure Bias-1.00
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Craig Persel26-Nov-2007 01:17
Gilles Navet21-Nov-2007 13:38
Dreaming sky and peaceful moment
Gayle P. Clement21-Nov-2007 05:44
Very beautiful color, Joan. That lone boat is a great extra. V
snootydog21-Nov-2007 03:48
I'm going to start hanging out with you -- you're finding all the good shots. Really nice!
Bryan Ramsay21-Nov-2007 02:35
Superb color!! -BJ
Bill Paige20-Nov-2007 23:36
Fantastic shot, voted
Guest 20-Nov-2007 20:47
Fantastic harbor secene with that blazing sky....v
J. Scott Coile20-Nov-2007 17:55
Bill Gallagher20-Nov-2007 17:00
Beautiful pastel skies.
Bryan Murahashi20-Nov-2007 15:45
Beautiful capture. V
Máire Uí Mhaicín20-Nov-2007 15:34
Like a painting!-v-
Katie Chew20-Nov-2007 15:32
Beautiful image. V
Guest 20-Nov-2007 15:00
Guest 20-Nov-2007 13:38
And she sure is beautiful! Good luck on the freeze to come. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography20-Nov-2007 13:30
Beautiful colors, Vote.
Alida Thorpe20-Nov-2007 13:01
Beautiful sky and color!
Sheila20-Nov-2007 12:58
Oh my goodness, that is amazing!
Guest 20-Nov-2007 12:36
Doesn't this just make you want to go for a sail. Reminds me of Mahone Bay in Nova Scotia. Especially with the three church steeples.
Guest 20-Nov-2007 12:33
wonderful colours.
René Gysi20-Nov-2007 12:31
Wonderful mood. Vote