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pbase Moki and Javas Birthday April 4_DSC4026.jpg

pbase Moki and Javas Birthday April 4_DSC4026.jpg

Birthday cake for the pooches.
Java turned 6 on March 31 and Moki is 1 on Tuesday
Everyone got new leashes and collars..

Nikon D700
1/60s f/4.0 at 32.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Donna Hollinger25-Nov-2023 23:02
Great photo of your LABS, with their birthday cake and icing! ~V~
Liz Bickel27-Jan-2019 05:08
I love it!!! Did you bake the cake yourself? Great shot!!! Lots of love here.
Ann Pettigrew22-Sep-2013 04:02
This is soooo cute! Looks good enough for a human to eat! How old is your yellow lab? I noticed her/his cataracts. Hopefully, she got to share the cake!
Guest 26-Jan-2012 14:44
Arrr to be labrador.. Best J
Peter Stahl07-Jan-2012 17:49
Sweet. Now thats icing on the cake. :-))
Guest 26-Nov-2011 22:34
Happy Birthday lucky dogs! ;))
Vickie BROWN19-Aug-2011 17:34
Carla Resh29-Nov-2010 04:59
these are some very happy canines.V
marko gregoric23-Apr-2010 06:05
Great portraits. Very cute. V.
snootydog13-Aug-2009 01:33
Isn't new leashes and collars a bit like giving a kid underpants for christmas [insert smiley face here] ?
Carole Stevens02-Aug-2009 16:45
Fantastic, I must bake wolfie one, this is so good, love their expressions here!
Guest 08-Apr-2009 02:16
What a great shot! I am suprised you managed to get this photo before that cake was destroyed :)
optimist06-Apr-2009 03:45
Nice portrait! (What's the cake and chocolate frosting made out of?)
JW05-Apr-2009 17:28
Hilarious! I can't believe Java is 6 already!
Dave Perez05-Apr-2009 11:39
A beautiful family photo! Nicely captured! V
Gayle P. Clement05-Apr-2009 04:09
I love the birthday cake! Happy birthday.
laine04-Apr-2009 23:17
That's a dinosaur doggie bone !!!
Sue Roberts04-Apr-2009 22:25
so cute!
Jackdad04-Apr-2009 21:30
Somehow I doubt that spectacular-looking cake lasted long. Great job on the icing!
Happy birthday lads!
cits_4_pets04-Apr-2009 21:08
Pretty labradors! They look quite happy. (The yellow lab looks like the eyes have cateracts, I think darkening the pupils would be make the picture much better)
Johnny JAG04-Apr-2009 20:06
Save some for Gabi!
Coleen Perilloux Landry04-Apr-2009 19:29
Happy Birthday, puppies. Don't eat too much of that cake.
Frannie 04-Apr-2009 19:17
AWWWW so cute!